Save the date! On February 18 2018, 7:30pm three of our best students, Isabella C., Miles H and Carlee C., are going to perform in the prestigius Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall for the Royal Conservatory of Music New York Celebration of Excellence Awards Recital. They were selected among the highest scored students enrolled in the Royal Conservatory of Music Certification Program, awarded with the last Excellence Awards. We’re so proud for their hard work and and commitment, and very happy to give them this incredible opportunity. In 2017 Isabella and Miles received the Center and State Excellence Award for their Guitar Level 2 exam, Charlee for her Guitar Level 1 exam.
Royal Conservatory of Music “provides a national standard of musical achievement for people of all ages studying music privately in the US, by offering a sequential course of study.”
If you want to also have the opportunity to perform at Carnegie Hall for the RCM Excellence Award Ceremony, you first need to enroll in the RCM Certification Program. Then you’ll need to do your best at the exams sessions. Students graded more that 90/100 will have the opportunity to be selected to perform in the most important USA concert hall. Enrollment is free, you just need to ask your DalMaestro teacher to get started!
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